George E. Morgan

880 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Research: Banking, Interest Rates, Foreign Currency Exchange
Dr. Morgan has taught courses at the undergraduate, MBA and PhD levels. He created new interdisciplinary courses on deploying broadband wireless and on commercializing wireless networking technologies. He has taught the course for undergraduates interested in the fixed income markets with the goal of acquiring the knowledge needed to operate BASIS. He served as a Visiting Scholar at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and as a Visiting Lecturer at the International Space University. Prior to joining the faculty at Virginia Tech, he held the position of Assistant Professor at the University of Texas at Austin.
Dr. Morgan’s research revolves around the decisions regulators should make when faced with issues related to disciplining banks. He also examines the ways bankers can hedge their interest-rate and foreign currency exchange rate risks. His research centers on the use and risks of futures trading and the management and regulation of commercial banking organizations and their regulatory capital positions. His work has appeared in many reputable journals like The Journal of Finance. Dr. Morgan’s research in CWT helped to bring advanced broadband communications capabilities to consumers and businesses, especially in rural areas.
Education & Certification
Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1977 M.S., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1975 B.S., Georgetown University, 1973
Professional Achievements
Dr. Morgan was the Principal Investigator on sponsored University research projects that generated over
$2.1 million of external funding for research at Virginia Tech over the seven years he was involved as a researcher and director of the Center for Wireless Telecommunications, an interdisciplinary university research center spanning four colleges at Tech. He has been on the Program Committee for the Financial
Management Association and has been a referee for several academic and practitioner journals such as The Journal of Finance. He was a member of the Governing Board for the "Integrative Research and Education in Advanced Networking" (IREAN) program for the six years of its existence as a NSF IGERT program at Tech.
Service Related Contributions
Dr. Morgan is the founding faculty advisor for BASIS, Bond And Securities Investing by Students, the newest student group managing $5 million of funds. He created and implemented the workplace experiential learning capstone called the Credit Corps in which students make loans to middle market companies. He has been the Director of the PhD Program and the Interim Head of the Department of Finance. He is the creator and organizer of Pamplin’s “in-residence” summer study abroad programs that have been duplicated in Freiburg, Dijon, Vienna, the UK, Barcelona, and Zurich.