Steven Beach

880 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
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Dr. Beach is Professor of Practice in the Pamplin College of Business at Virginia Tech. Steve came to Virginia Tech after serving for six years as the Dean of the College of Business at the University of Texas Permian Basin. He has joined the finance faculty to teach corporate finance, financial planning, and to guide students in managing a global investment portfolio.
Prior to teaching at Virginia Tech, Dr. Beach served on the finance faculty at Loyola Marymount University, Southwest Texas State University (now Texas State University), and Radford University, where he progressed to Professor of Finance and served as Associate Dean of the College of Business and Economics.
Dr. Beach’s research has focused on applied and practitioner topics in investment risk and financial planning. His research has been published in respected journals such as the International Review of Economics & Finance, Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, and the Journal of Investing. He has several articles on personal financial planning topics and in leading practitioner journals in those areas.
Dr. Beach’s primary teaching area is Investments and Portfolio Management, and he has experience teaching across topics in the finance discipline.
Steve has been honored with multiple teaching awards, twice being selected by students as the Beta Gamma Sigma Professor of the Year and earning the Outstanding Faculty Award in Radford University’s College of Business and Economics. At Radford, he founded and was co-advisor of the Student Managed Investment Portfolio Organization, which twice won international competitions for investment performance.
Ph.D., Finance, Washington State University, Pullman
MBA, Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville
BSBA (Finance), Tennessee Technological University, Cookeville
Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement (CFA Institute)
Research – Publications
“Futures in Finance: The Profession Risks Missing a Generation of Talent,” Journal of Financial Planning, June 2016.
“The Fourth Factor: Tracking Momentum Exposure in Beta Returns,” Investment Risk and Performance Newsletter, CFA Institute, WWW.CFAINSTITUE.ORG, July 2013.
“Early Retirement Decisions and the Returns on Social Security for the Average U.S. Wage Earner,” with Deryl W. Martin and Clarence C. Rose, Journal of Financial Services Professionals, March 2012.
“Semivariance Decomposition of Country-Level Returns,” International Review of Economics and Finance, October 2011.
“Expanding a U.S. Portfolio Internationally: ADRs, their Underlying Assets, and ETFs,” with Axel Grossmann, Financial Services Review, Summer 2010.
“An Application of the Black-Litterman Model with EGARCH-M-Derived Views for International Portfolio Management,” with Alexei Orlov, Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, June 2007. Swisscanto Award for the Best Professional Paper in Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, 2007.
“Semivariance in Asset Allocation: Longer Horizons Can Handle Riskier Holdings,” Journal of Financial Planning, January 2007.
“Why Emerging Market Equities Belong in a Diversified Investment Portfolio,” Journal of Investing, Winter 2006.
“Federal Reserve Bank Policy and the Influence of US Excessive Current Consumption on International Equity Returns,” with Kenneth R. Beller, American Journal of Business, Fall 2006.
“Does Portfolio Rebalancing Help Investors Avoid Common Mistakes?” Journal of Financial Planning, with Clarence Rose, May 2005.
“Does Emerging Market Portfolio Diversification Represent Asset Class, Regional, Country, or Industry Diversification?” Journal of Emerging Markets, Spring 2001.